Lazy much? Hit the Blur Background option and start recording your speech. Want to be professional in an office setting? You can do it. I appreciate the easy-to-access background replacement function that can either be a blur filter or straight-up replaced with a virtual image of your choice. Onto the Webcam section, at here you can also record the Speaker and Microphone together with your webcam. So you can either record the sound you hear out of your PC, your own voice, or both! But good thing the tooltip mentioned “Speaker” being the computer sound, or Stereo Mix if you know your IT stuff, which is an extra point from me for properly labeling functions. The Audio tab is the most simple out of the four – recording sounds. It also has a couple of ratio selections of 4:3 and 16:9 if you’re more comfortable with that. In the case of the actual screen recording, aside from Full Screen, you may also select a certain area of the display or just a specific window to make your lives easier. We’ll talk about the tools later in this post.

To start recording, simply hit the big red ‘REC’ button, and off you go.

So after activating the account, the first thing you’ll notice is there are 4 main tabs targeting 4 different use cases where the program can record what’s on your screen right now (You can target a specific display if you’re running a multi-monitor setup), audio only, webcam only, or capturing a game or application. I got no complaints about this though as I got a test account with “Pro” status to find out the full capability of the Screen Recorder suite. Okay, I was semi-expecting this stunt but it seems like this is just iTop’s way of promoting their paid subscription plans – by blasting it towards your face the first time you open up any software created by them. So let’s start off with the first boot of the application.Īfter installing the program, this is what I see.

Now hold up, you might have the same question as I am in your mind right now – why bother using these instead of some of the popular alternatives like Bandicam or OBS? Well, that’s why the review is here to give you some insight. Since it is already 2023, the brand has decided to give me the 3rd green light to review another subscription service of theirs which is the iTop Screen Recorder.