I was always a mind control Sylvanas and this new MC I do not like. It can apply however if you activate the trait. Her W is annoying as well, having to basic attack the target for it to spread, because she’s so squishy, it’s hard for her to stay in the fight and basic attack before being melted down.Į hasn’t changed much, besides not applying trait as before.

Otherwise, yes, her Q is pretty annoying now because of the CD mainly…before it was targeting one at a time, and it still is now, but the CD not affected by minion deaths just makes it seem slower, because it is… That’s along with her trait if you acivate it, which lasts 10 seconds and can be stacked. Just a heads up to everyone, and I agree with most of your sentiments…but she can still take a merc camp alone with mercenary queen at 4. Or you can save it incase you fire one and then realize someone has moved into position so you want to max your stacks to get it off on them. You could stutter step and still keep structures disabled to cover your team so they could secure kills.Īnd you don’t have to QQQ spam. You clearly had no idea what you were doing with her then if that’s all you thought she was good for lol.Īnd regardless of how long pushes took. Her current Q is boring, but you can’t tell me it is worse than her previous QQQQQQQQQQQQ spam playstyle. Having opponents running in circles with mind control? Well I can give you that one!

Perma disable structures (with autos only, since they nerfed abilities from applying the debuff)? I mean you can still disable stuff, with abilities like before. I don’t get it, what was so fun about her previous playstyle?įire W and just run in the opposite direction?